Doc Adams Birthplace Classic (CANCELLED)
The Doc Adams Birthplace Classic was planned to be held on Saturday, September 28, in Doc’s hometown as part of Lamson Farm Day. Unfortunately, unforeseen events have led to the cancellation of this year’s event.
After much discussion and consideration, it is with regret that we inform the followers of this page [The Knickerbocker Experience Facebook page] and the good folks of Mont Vernon, NH, that the Knickerbocker Experience will not be holding a game on Lamson Farm Day on September 28th. We hope to bring this game back to the Farm in the future.
Collin “Stumpy” Miller & Jeff “Pinetar” Kornhaas, The Knickerbocker Experience
The cancellation was met with even greater sadness as this year’s event was to be a part of the vintage community’s “A Pitch For Doc Adams” effort and is a lost opportunity to further raise awareness of Doc Adams and his contributions to the National Pastime.
Daniel Lucius ‘Doc’ Adams was born in Mont Vernon, New Hampshire on November 1, 1814 to Daniel Adams, MD and Nancy Mulliken Adams. He and his family lived there until 1846 when they moved to Keene, New Hampshire.
The Doc Adams Birthplace Classic is a celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Daniel Lucius Adams, an early founder of base ball and native son of Mont Vernon, New Hampshire.
In any event, if you’re in the area, it’s still worth checking out Lamson Farm Day. It’s a great event and lots of fun. Wishing for wonderful weather for the day and can’t wait to retorn.

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