Home2024Musing About Getting In The Hall On Classic Baseball Era Announcement Day


Musing About Getting In The Hall On Classic Baseball Era Announcement Day — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for All your great work, Roger. If only the Hall worked as hard. Doc is LONG overdue. A separate knowledgeable committee is the answer. Based on my reading there are at least a dozen 19th century players and contributors who deserve enshrinement. I feel that there is also a great need for another Negro League committee as there are at least 25 Negro and Pre-Negro League players and contributors who should be in the Hall.

    Doug Poswencyk (Hillsborough, NJ. We met before Dwight Evans talk at the Hall)

    • Hi Doug, Thanks for the kind words. I remember, that was a fun day in Cooperstown.

      The Hall of Fame needs to stop going over the same recent candidates over and over again and address the gaps as you so well described. The current Era structure does not support that nor does the constitution of the committees. At least one thing, the Hall is not shy about restructuring their Era committees to match their agenda. So, fingers crossed.

      It was nice to talk to you in Cooperstown, thanks for your support.

      No rest until the Hall finally recognizes Doc Adams.

      Best Regards,

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