Happy Birthday DocAdamsBaseBall.org!

Doc Adams Base Ball is celebrating it’s 3rd birthday! A lot has happened over the last three years. An engaging and memorable ‘interview of Doc Adams’ at SABR’s 6th Annual Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference in Cooperstown…. Selection of Doc as SABR’s 2014 Overlooked 19th Century Baseball Legend… The Renaming of the Annual Old Time Base Ball Festival in Honor of Doc Adams…Doc being named on the 2016 Pre-integration Era Committee Ballot… and sadly, coming up 2 votes shy of election…the re-discovery of the ‘Laws of Base Ball‘ which baseball historian John Thorn refers to as baseball’s Magna Carta. We look forward to continuing to advance the truth of the origins of the game of baseball and ensure that Daniel Lucius ‘Doc’ Adams is acknowledged for his contributions and achievements in the advancement of the game. Thanks to all our visitors for expressing interest, checking us out, and helping us spread the word!
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