The Nestor Of Ball Players
When Doc Adams retired from the Knickerbockers, he was immediately named an honorary member and presented with a set of resolutions thanking him for his long and meritorious service to the club.” This proclamation/resolution (The Nestor* of Ball Players) was presented to Doc as “a most gorgeously engrossed” scroll which was produced by Ben F. Brady. And so, Doc’s active participation in the game he loved and over which he had a significant and pioneering influence came to a close.
*A King of ancient Greece who advised the Greeks at Troy; a patriarch in his field, wise counselor, or leader.
In 1862, Adams stepped down from the Rules Committee post and resigned from the Knickerbockers. He left the legendary club as the most significant member in team history, membership that included Hall of Famer Alexander Cartwright. Upon his retirement, the Knickerbockers named him an honorary member of the club and presented him with a scroll that proclaimed him “Nestor of Ball Players.”
SABR 44: Doc Adams selected as Overlooked 19th Century Baseball Legend for 2014,
The Knickerbocker Base Ball Club of the City of New York, desirous of placing of their high appreciation of their late associate and fellow member, Dr. D. L. Adams, and their sincere regret at his retirement from the Club, did at the annual meeting held March 26, 1862, appoint a committee to draft resolutions expressive of their feelings, and upon the report of said committee the following were unanimously accepted:
From Resolutions presented to Doc Adams by the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club upon his retirement

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