Home2024Jay Jaffe Of FanGraphs Weighs In On the Classical Baseball Era Ballot


Jay Jaffe Of FanGraphs Weighs In On the Classical Baseball Era Ballot — 2 Comments

    • Thanks for your interest in Doc Adams. The one thing we have control over is raising awareness of Doc, his accomplishments, and contributions or our National Pastime. We also need the Hall of Fame and the BBWAA to know they fans care about the true history of the game and want to see the pioneers of the early game, like Doc Adams, honored with a place in the Hall of Fame. By continuing to ignore Doc Adams and other pioneers like him the Hall of Fame and the BBWAA-appointed Historical Overview Committee continue to erode their credibility and relevance. So, tell your friends and family about Doc Adams importance to the development of our National Pastime and help us raise awareness. You can always let the Hall and/or the BBWAA how you feel (but be polite if you do 🙂 ).

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