Chadwick Letter
Baseball Hall of Famer Henry Chadwick and Doc Adams remained friends until Doc’s death. They often corresponded and reminisced about the ‘old days’ as is evidenced by this letter from Chadwick.
257 Green Ave
Private Collection
Oct 4
My Dear Doctor,
Your most welcome letter of the 3rd Sept was just handed me and I answer it at once.
It was not two weeks ago since I passed through New Haven en route to my home after a month sojourn with relations in Canada on my golden wedding trip. When I do happen to enter the Elm City again, I shall certainly call and have an old time chat with you. I enclose two news letters—one from St. Louis and the other from Wilkes Barre just to give you a sample of the work I am now engaged. Remember, too, that tomorrow I enter upon my 75th year completing my 74th today. Pretty good for an “old boy” I am going to lecture this winter on “Base Ball Reminiscences” and of course I shall bring in Old Knickerbockers. If you have anything specially interesting on that ? send it to me, I shall be glad to utilize it.
Very truly I am,
Henry Chadwick
PS. Thanks for your compliment “Praise from Sir Hubert” you know.*
*NOTE: “Praise from Sir Hubert”-depending on the website, the phrase derives from a 1797 play or a 1810 book both by Thomas Morton. All sites define it as the highest of praise and commendation one can receive from one who deserves it himself.

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