A Pitch For Doc Adams (SABR 19th Century Newsletter)
“Nineteenth Century Notes” is a quarterly newsletter of the 19th Century Research Committee of the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR). In the Fall 2024 issue published last week, Collin Miller and Roger Ratzenberger made “A Pitch For Doc Adams”.
The capstone “A Pitch For Doc Adams” event that will be hosted by the Mountain Athletic Club on Saturday, October 19, at the historic M.A.C. Grounds at Fleischmanns Park, Fleischmanns, NY.
SABR’s Nineteenth Century Committee, established in 1983, fosters research on all facets of baseball before 1901. Completed committee projects include full team and player statistics for the 1871-1875 National Association, two volumes of short biographies published by SABR, Nineteenth Century Stars (1989; reissued 2012) and Baseball’s First Stars (1996), and Inventing Baseball: The 100 Greatest Games of the 19th Century (2013).
Society of American Baseball Research (SABR)
It’s now been ten years since Doc Adams was named SABR’s 2014 Overlooked 19th Century Baseball Legend; he is still waiting for his call from the Hall of Fame.
A-Pitch-For-Doc-Adams-SABR-19th-Century-NewsletterOverlooked 19th Century Baseball Legends: Members of SABR’s Nineteenth Century Committee receive an online ballot every spring for the Overlooked 19th Century Baseball Legend, to select the top players not yet inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. The results are announced at the committee’s annual meeting at that year’s SABR convention. To learn more about the project and get involved, click here [SABR members].
Society of American Baseball Research (SABR)
Note that the full newsletter may be downloaded from SABR at Nineteenth Century Research Committee newsletters by clicking on Fall 2024.
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