Home2022Recurring (2022)Remembering Marjorie Adams And Her Great-Grandfather’s Appearance On A HOF Ballot


Remembering Marjorie Adams And Her Great-Grandfather’s Appearance On A HOF Ballot — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Roger, This is truly excellent. I didn’t believe it when Doc Adams did not appear on the 2022 ballot that considered 19th century baseball folks, especially when he finished so close in the 2015 balloting, go figure. Now 2032 seems so distant (ten years actually). We need to continue to beat the drum for him. Some of our younger members, Nineteenth Century Committee particularly must become more conscious of his important on-field and off-field contributions to our game. Your article is an excellent attempt at doing that. Certainly miss Marjorie, my wife and I were in Mystic just last month while in route to Providence for the Southern New England 19cBB Interdisciplinary Symposium. Peter

    • Hi Peter, thanks for the thoughts and kind words. There is an update to the post. I never updated it after I originally wrote it(until now) to reflect that the Hall of Fame has again restructured their Era committees. Doc is now eligible for 2025 induction with the ballot to be released and voted on in 2024. That’s the good news – only 2 more years until the next opportunity. The bad news is that it will be even more difficult than it was before. We will continue the good fight in Doc’s and Marjorie’s memory. She is greatly missed.

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