257 Green Ave
Oct 4th
My Dear Doctor,
Your most welcome letter of the 3d Sept was just handed me and I answered it at once.
It was not two weeks ago since I passed through New Haven en route to my home after a month sojourn with relatives in Canada on my golden wedding trip. When I do happen to enter the Elm City again, I shall certainly call and have an old timers chat with you. I enclose two newsletters – one from St Louis and the other from Wilkes-Barre just to give you a sample of the work I am now engaged. Remember, too, that tomorrow I enter upon my 75th year, completing my 74th today. Pretty good for an “old boy”.
I am going to lecture this winter on “Baseball Reminiscences” and of course I shall bring in old Knickerbocker [?] . If you have anything specially interesting [in] that [you] send it to me, I shall be glad to utilize it.
Very Truly Yours,
Henry Chadwick
P.S. Thanks for your compliment “Praise from Sir Hubert” you know.