The 25th installment of the Doc Adams Old Time Base Ball Festival was held on August 6-7, 2022 at Old Bethpage Village Restoration in Old Bethpage, NY.

It was a hot and humid weekend; however, a nice breeze provided a little relief, which both the ballists and cranks appreciated. Ballists, both artists and muffins, and cranks alike had a great time and as enjoyed the debut of The Knickerbocker Experience.

In 2015, this longest running annual vintage base ball festival of its kind was renamed in honor of Daniel Lucius ‘Doc’ Adams. This year’s festival once again lived up its reputation as a must see for baseball fans, history buffs, and anyone looking for a day of outdoor fun.

Corky Gaskell skillfully and engagingly demonstrated how base balls of the period were made to an interested and enthusiastic audience.

Nancy Adams Downey was on hand to enjoy the festivities and share stories about her great-grandfather.

As we continue to honor Doc Adams, the long-overlooked founding father of the National Pastime, we look forward to his next opportunit to appear on a Hall of Fame ballot. However, that won’t come until the 2025 when Adams will again be eligible to be recognized and enshrined in the National Baseball Hall of Fame (the election will takes place in December 2024). 

The Knickerbocker Experience’s Festival debut was met with rave reviews.

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