Letter dated May 29, 1863, sent by the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club [Committee members: Henry A. Thomas, Louis J. Belloni, Jr., and W.H. Tucker] to Doc Adams accompanying a scroll naming him the “Nestor of Base Ball Players” on the occasion of Doc’s retirement from the KBBC.
New York 29th May 1863
Dr. D. L. Adams
Dear Sir,
Please accept from the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club the accompanying set of Resolutions expressive of the feeling of the Club towards their old officer and associate.
We are gratified at being the means of transmitting to you this Expression of feelings from the Knickerbockers and it is with no ordinary pleasure we Subscribe Ourselves.
Very Truly Yours,
Henry A. Thomas
Louis F. Belloni Jr. Committee
W. H. Tucker