The latest “Pitch for Doc Adams” event was held on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 4 p.m. at historic Doubleday Field in Cooperstown with two clubs from the Delaware County Vintage Base Ball Association – the Mountain Athletic Club of Fleischmanns and the Polecat Base Ball Club featuring the Hamden Nine from Hamden showcasing nearly 40 years of baseball evolution in a progressive format starting in the year 1857 and finishing in 1895,

It was a great event, on a beautiful day, in the town where baseball lives. Fans were treated to a fun day of great play while learning about Doc Adams and the evolution of 19th century rules.

The 1858 New York Knickerbockers and Brooklyn Excelsiors

The Vintage Base Ball community is rallying behind long-overlooked baseball pioneer Doc Adams by sponsoring “A Pitch For Doc Adams” events to raise awareness of baseball pioneer, Doc Adams, and his Hall of Fame case.

Clubs across the country are hosting mid-19th century style base ball games to raise awareness of the many contributions of Daniel Lucius Adams, MD (aka “Doc”) to our National Pastime during its nascent period.

The events, dubbed “A Pitch for Doc Adams”, are one of several types planned throughout the year by vintage base ball teams across the U.S. Each event seeks to draw attention to Doc Adams – a long-overlooked and forgotten baseball legend – who played a pioneering role in the foundation of modern baseball and is eligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame’s 2025 Classic Baseball Era ballot.

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